8 safety tips to keep holiday travel fun and injury-free this season
Holiday travel can be filled with fun memories for children, including road trips with the entire family or visits to grandma and grandpa’s house.
Before families hit the road this holiday season, Safe Kids of the Piedmont wants to remind parents and caregivers of some simple tips to keep kids safe while traveling.
“For many families, holiday time usually includes traveling to visit friends or relatives so we want every family to know the simple things they can do to stay safe in and around cars,” said Penny Shaw, Safe Kids of the Piedmont coordinator.
Holiday travel brings a risk of injuries in a variety of areas. Traffic accidents are the leading cause of preventable deaths and injuries to children in the United States. Meanwhile, correctly used child safety seats can reduce the risk of death by as much as 71%.
“On the way to the destination, we want to remind families to think about things like proper seat belts, distractions on the road and weather concerns so that holiday travel will be fun and safe for the whole family,” Shaw said.
Safe Kids of the Piedmont recommends the following holiday travel tips:
Everybody needs their own restraint. Make it a rule: everyone buckled, every ride, every time, whether it’s the long trip to visit family or around the block.
If you are flying, take your car seat with you and use it on the plane. It will be a benefit to have it with you at your destination and when you travel to and from the airport. Let car rental companies know in advance if you need to rent a car seat or booster seat.
Watch out for small kids and distracted drivers in parking lots that are busier than usual during the holidays.
Remind your inexperienced teen driver to be extra alert during the holidays, when people are more distracted and when weather conditions make driving more difficult.
Avoid distractions while driving. No text message or playlist is worth the risk of taking your eyes off the road. Set your GPS to talk navigation so you can concentrate on driving without looking at your phone.
Plan to use a driver or car service to make sure you get home safely if you consume alcohol.
Keep car exhaust pipes clear of packed snow to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning.
Secure loose objects that could fly around in the event of a crash. Put hot foods or large gifts in the trunk.
To learn more holiday safety tips, visit: https://www.safekids.org/holidays