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Keeping family safe on Thanksgiving
Needs a bit more heat

Keeping family safe on Thanksgiving

By Jessica Pickens on November 22, 2016

Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends and food. But it's also a day to be especially cautious when it comes to cooking fires.

Spartanburg Medical Center's emergency center is ready for all situations. However, our clinical staff wants families to stay safe and use proper cooking methods.

Did you know Thanksgiving is the peak day for home cooking fires?  The number of home fires double on Thanksgiving.

Here are some tips to keep in mind to keep your meal and family safe.


If you are roasting your turkey, make sure you set a timer. Family time is fun, but it all of the laughter and talking can make us forget about what's in the oven.

For frying a turkey

  1. Use a fryer with thermostat controls so the oil doesn't overheat.
  2. Thaw your turkey completely.
  3. Don't overfill the pot with oil. The oil could overflow and cause a fire.
  4. Keep children and pets away from the fryer.
  5. Only use fryers outdoors and never indoors.

Stove-Top Cooking

Stand by your stove when you are doing any stove top cooking. Don't leave the kitchen if anything is boiling or frying on the stove to prevent any spills that could escalate to a fire.

If you or a family member experiences an injury, call 911 immediately.

Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!