Outstanding nurses honored with DAISY, McMillan awards
Abigail Kiser’s mother and grandmother were nurses, and she always wanted to follow in their footsteps.
“It’s all I ever wanted to do,” she said.
Kiser is a nurse at Cherokee Medical Center, where she works with surgery patients and is respected by patients and co-workers alike for her compassion.
In early May, Kiser was named the Jo Ann McMillan Outstanding Nurse of the Year for Spartanburg Regional Healthcare System.
“I’m kind of in shock,” she said, following a recognition program at the Spartanburg Medical Center – Church Street campus. “There are a lot of nurses who are deserving of this honor, and I’m grateful to be part of our team.”
Kiser was one of five nurses recognized at the event. They represented Spartanburg Medical Center, Union Medical Center, Pelham Medical Center, Cherokee Medical Center and the Spartanburg Regional post-acute division as part of the national DAISY award program.
Patients and colleagues nominate nurses for the DAISY award. It’s an opportunity for them to honor nurses for their hard work and talent. DAISY nominations include personal reflections , revealing important aspects of nursing that go beyond measurable day-to-day competencies.
In addition to Kiser, other DAISY Award winners for 2022 are: Frankie Gilbert (Post-Acute), Beth Peeler (Spartanburg Medical Center), Jessica Ingram (Pelham Medical Center) and Kim Babb (Union Medical Center).
Each honoree received $500 from the Spartanburg Regional Foundation’s Jo Ann McMillan Fund. The fund is named in honor of McMillan, who began her career as a bedside nurse and went on to become the first executive director of the Spartanburg Regional Foundation.
McMillan continues to be an advocate for nurses, and she was on hand for the awards presentation in May to offer words of appreciation and encouragement to those being honored.
As the system’s overall nurse of the year, Kiser received an additional $500, along with an award – also supported by the McMillan fund.
Mary Jane Jennings, vice-president and chief nursing officer for Spartanburg Medical Center, gave remarks during the awards presentation. She expressed her gratitude for nurses and other caregivers throughout the healthcare system.
“We have a staff that goes above and beyond and put the needs of the patient at the center of everything they do,” she said.
Learn more about the national DAISY awards at https://www.spartanburgregional.com/recognize-caregivers/daisy-award.
To make a donation to the Spartanburg Regional Foundation in honor of a caregiver, please visit https://www.regionalfoundation.com/ways-give/honor-caregiver.